Thursday, April 24, 2014

I moved my blog over here, the last 4 entries are on DeveloperWorks.  Going forward I will post here.  But please read the posts below.    

Older Blog Posts:


Hybrid Cloud Architecture for next generation Web and Mobile Apps. Thinking about Bluemix.

Serverside Code for API Consumers: The role of Worklight Adapters in your architecture



Augmenting On-Premise Use Cases with Cloud Services in BlueMix

Using Angular JS and Ionic on IBM Worklight

AngularJS has become quite a popular framework so I decided to write an example for Worklight using Angular and Ionic.  On the Worklight Getting Starting Page, there are examples for jQuey Mobile, Dojo Mobile, and Sencha Touch.  Worklight is an open platform that allows you to use any HTML 5 based framework.  In my forth coming book, (Modern Web Development with IBM WebSphere) , we show a couple of examples, one using Dojo Mobile with Bootstrap, and another using (jQuery Mobile with requirejs, backbone, and Handlebars).  This video blog will walk you through AngularJS and Ionic.  I have also provided the project archive.  

Project Archive for the example in the video:

Please check the Getting Started Page to get more details on Worklight Concepts.